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    Challenges of Stamford Evading Responsibility Cases

    Evading responsibility is a serious offense that could have far-reaching consequences. You could face serious fines, jail time, and it could stay on your record. With so much at stake, it is vital that you seek legal advice if you have been charged. If you want to know more about how to survive challenges of Stamford evading responsibility cases, speak with a capable evading responsibility lawyer that could pursue a positive outcome for you.

    Rights People from Foreign Countries Have During Evading Responsibility Cases

    A person from another country has essentially all the same rights as anyone else in the United States; the Constitution protects them as well. They need to be Mirandized and are provided the right to a speedy trial, through a fair trial, and all the other rights that an American citizen has. The specific challenges of Stamford evading responsibility cases to a person from another country mostly revolve around keeping their record clean when they are facing an evading responsibility charge. In today’s climate, deportation is something that is a very real threat with ICE agents coming to court at the start of the proceedings. The challenge is to keep somebody away from ICE, if possible, and to get their record expunged as quickly as possible.

    How a Hit and Run Charge Could Impact Immigration Status

    A person’s legal immigration status would not directly affect their ability to refute the charge in Stamford for evading responsibility, but it could in other concerns such as ICE being at the courthouse and keeping their record clean. A conviction could trigger deportation proceedings, and that is something they want to avoid. An evading responsibility charge could affect the renewal of someone’s visa or green card if the case is pending. If the visa or green card is up for renewal, then it could delay the renewal or prevent the renewal from going through.

    How the Freedom of Information Act Can Impact a Person’s Record

    The Freedom of Information Act is an Act that allows any member of the public to request a public agency to release information that they have. For instance, if the police get a Freedom of Information Act request from a person who wants to see certain police reports, the police have to disclose those police reports, with certain exceptions. The Freedom of Information Act could allow people to view damaging information that is in police custody and disseminate it. That can hurt someone’s reputation or business.

    Pre-Trial Accelerated Rehabilitation Programs for Hit and Run Offenses

    One way of mitigating the challenges of Stamford evading responsibility cases is by applying for pre-trial accelerated rehabilitation programs. The Accelerated Rehabilitation Program is a pre-trial diversionary program that a person applies for, and if the judge allows them to enroll in said program, they are essentially on unsupervised probation. If the person is successful in completing all the conditions the judge imposed on them at the end of the time period of their unsupervised probation, that case will be dismissed and their record will be erased.

    Expungement of an Evading Responsibility Conviction in Stamford

    Another thing that could mitigate some of the challenges of Stamford evading responsibility cases is the possibility of expungement. In Stamford, a person has the pardon process which would allow a person (after three years from a misdemeanor conviction or up to five years from a felony conviction) to apply for a pardon. This application will go to the Board of Pardons and Paroles and if they grant the pardon, their record will be expunged.

    When a person is requesting a hearing in front of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, their application is first screened by the Board before they grant them a hearing. The Board Members will question the person and they will have a chance to make a presentation as to why they should have their record expunged, and then the Board will make a decision. It would take a few months to put together the package that is required for the pardon’s process. After a person submits the package to the Board of Pardons and Paroles, it will be six months to a year and a half before their application will be heard in front of the Board.