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    Greenwich Domestic Violence Trials

    Assistance from a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can be vital when it comes to progressing through Greenwich domestic violence trials. While retaining and working with legal counsel will almost always be the best way to prepare a strong defense for your unique situation, here are a few basic elements of these trials that can be helpful to know about in advance.

    What Happens During Arraignment?

    Arraignment happens much more quickly for domestic violence offenses in Connecticut than it does for any other type of criminal charge, often as soon as the next day following a citation or arrest. In addition to explaining a defendant’s rights and asking for their initial plea like they would for any other offense, a judge overseeing a domestic violence trial will also impose a protective order against the defendant that may impact what they can do, where they can go, and even who they can have contact with between their arraignment and the conclusion of their trial.

    Once they arrive at court for their arraignment, a defendant in a Greenwich domestic violence trial must attend a preliminary meeting with a Family Relations Counselor. The information the defendant provides in this meeting–which would include discussing what led to their arrest and what relationship they had with the individuals involved–will be compiled into a report that will be sent to the judge, who may reference that information when deciding what bail to set and what terms to include in the initial protective order.

    Potential Outcomes of a Domestic Violence Trial

    “Domestic violence” is not a distinct criminal offense in Connecticut, and just because an offense is designated as “domestic violence” does not mean there are enhanced criminal penalties in the event of a conviction. However, domestic violence trials in Greenwich often involve both criminal proceedings and family court proceedings, the latter of which can have various serious consequences irrespective of a related criminal trial’s outcome.

    Even if your criminal allegations do not result in a criminal conviction, the court system still has the authority to impose a standing protective order or restraining order against you that will remain in effect for at least one year after issuance; after one year, such order may be extended upon a showing of cause. Additionally, a substantiated finding from a Department of Children and Families investigation prompted by a domestic violence arrest may impact a defendant’s right to see their children, or may even in the permanent loss of custody altogether.

    Speak with a Greenwich Attorney About the Domestic Violence Trial Process

    Domestic violence trials are almost always emotionally and procedurally complex experiences. Regardless of whether you have ever been convicted of such an offense before, the outcome of this single trial could dramatically and permanently alter the course of your entire life.

    When it comes to effectively preparing and presenting strong arguments during your Greenwich domestic violence trial, there is no substitute for support from an attorney at Mark Sherman Law. Click here to read our over 300 certified client reviews on, and call today to schedule your private consultation.