Stamford Third-Degree Sexual Assault Lawyer
In Stamford, felony sexual assault charges can lead to serious penalties, including fines, incarceration, and lifetime sex offender registry. If you face charges, consider speaking to a top Stamford third-degree sexual assault lawyer today for help building a defense.
What Constitutes Sexual Assault in the Third Degree?
In Stamford, sexual assault in the third degree occurs when someone compels another person to submit to sexual contact by the use or threat of force, and that threat causes a person to fear that they are going to be hurt. It is also sexual assault in the third degree to engage in sex with a relative, otherwise known as incest. A lawyer in Stamford could explain someone’s third-degree sexual assault charges.
What is Sexual Assault in the Third Degree with a Firearm?
In Stamford, sexual assault in the third degree with a firearm happens when a person commits sexual violence using a deadly weapon. They could either display the weapon or use their words or conduct to imply that they possess a pistol, revolver, machine gun, rifle, shotgun, or another firearm.
How Does the Possession of a Firearm Impact a Sexual Assault Charge?
The possession of a firearm makes the charges more severe. The presence of a firearm raises a sexual assault in the third degree charge from a C felony to a D felony, depending on the age of the alleged victim. As a result, the defendant could face increased penalties, including longer periods of incarceration.
It is possible for someone to be charged with both variations of sexual assault in the third degree because they have different elements. Someone could be charged and even convicted of both those crimes, leading to more serious penalties and other long-term consequences. A lawyer in Stamford could help someone who is facing multiple 3rd-degree sexual assault charges.
How are Sexual Assault Cases Investigated in Stamford?
In Stamford, police investigate sexual assault cases by collecting any physical evidence they are to find. They may use a rape kit, speak with the alleged victim, and interview any witnesses. For example, if the alleged sexual assault took place at a party or in a public place, police would likely speak to everyone who may have information. The police officer may also obtain search warrants for cell phones and emails and put that together in an arrest warrant.
Reach Out to a Stamford Third-Degree Sexual Assault Attorney
If you face sex offense charges, you should not risk appearing in court without representation. Contact a Stamford third-degree sexual assault lawyer today to begin working toward a positive resolution to your charges.