Alternative Sentencing For Quinnipiac Fake ID Forgery in the Second-Degree Charges
Following a fake ID arrest, one of the first concerns people have is incarceration. Jail time is often seen as the only potential penalty that a person will face. Many people do not realize that alternative sentencing for Quinnipiac fake ID forgery in the second-degree charges, is a possibility. In fact, eligible individuals could receive probation rather than jail time, could be conditionally discharged, or enter an alternative rehabilitation program. Work with a skilled fake ID lawyer that could help you pursue alternative sentencing options.
Receiving Probation Instead of Jail Time
One of the alternative sentencing for Quinnipiac fake ID forgery in the second-degree charges is probation. It is possible to receive probation rather than jail time. If an individual’s attorney can negotiate with the prosecutor and the judge to obtain a plea agreement, where the person pleads guilty and they go right for probation instead of jail time, then they will not go to jail. It is possible that the court will sentence someone to community service as part of their probation.
Accelerated Rehabilitation Programs
Another one of the alternative sentencing for Quinnipiac fake ID forgery in the second-degree charges, that a person could pursue is accelerated rehabilitation programs. The accelerated rehabilitation program(ARP) is a pretrial program in Connecticut for first-time offenders. They are placed on supervised probation, and once that is complete, then the charge is dismissed and the record is expunged.
If someone has been arrested for a forgery in the second-degree charge and they have no criminal record and have never used the accelerated rehabilitation program before, then they would apply for the program in that case. A person can also qualify for the accelerated rehabilitation program if they have more than one additional charge.
Necessity of Reducing Charges Before Entering ARP
In Connecticut law, an individual is allowed to use the accelerated rehabilitation program once every 10 years. However, if someone uses it on a felony, that is the first and last time they can use the program. If they use it on a misdemeanor, they can use the program again in ten years.
Conditional and Unconditional Discharges
A conditional discharge is when someone pleads guilty but they do not go on probation. However, there are some conditions of the person’s release they have to comply with. An unconditional discharge is when an individual pleads guilty, they do not get probation, and there are no conditions for the person to follow. They essentially plead guilty and walk out of court. Everyone who is charged with forgery in the second-degree can seek these outcomes.
Requirements for Discharges
If someone wants to pursue conditional or unconditional discharge, the requirements are that they have to show the court that the person does not need to be supervised on probation, they are not a threat to the community, and they are not likely to offend again. They need to show the court they are able to follow requirements without having to report to a probation officer every week.
Difference Between Probation and (Un) Conditional Discharges
Unconditional and conditional discharges are incentives to seek instead of probation. The difference is, when someone is on probation, they report to a probation officer. It could be once a week, or twice a week. If someone violates their probation, they can be sent to jail, whereas conditional or unconditional discharge does not carry similar consequences.
The conditions depend on the individual case. The court could really fashion any conditions that they want. They can require community service or substance abuse courses, among other things. If a person facing related charges, then an individual can negotiate with the prosecutor to only have to plead guilty to some of the charges, not to all of them. If a person wants to know more about alternative sentencing for Quinnpiac fake ID forgery in the second degree charges, they should speak with a knowledgeable attorney that could help them determine which option is best for them.