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    Connecticut First-Degree Sexual Assault Lawyer

    In Connecticut, sexual assault in the first degree occurs any time a person compels another person to engage in sexual intercourse by the use of force against the other person or a third person, which reasonably causes that person serious physical injury. Aggravated sexual assault occurs when in the commission of the assault the person uses force, threatens someone, displays a weapon, or has the intent to permanently or seriously disfigure.

    As the best defense lawyers know, local authorities take sexual assault seriously, and a conviction could result in years in prison. For help building a defense, reach out to a Connecticut first-degree sexual assault lawyer. A criminal defense attorney could help craft a defense and work towards a positive resolution.

    Common Examples

    Aggravated sexual assault encompasses the crime of rape by threat of a weapon. This occurs when a person forces someone to have sexual contact with the use of a weapon or the threat of the use of a weapon.

    Another common crime that may fall under this category is any time a defendant threatens an individual with harm to a third person. Sometimes the alleged harmed individual complies for the safety of someone else. The more common form of sexual assault in the first degree in Connecticut is when a sexual assault occurs and two or more people commit the sexual assault. Anyone facing sexual assault charges is looking at severe penalties. Therefore, defendants should seek the services of a Connecticut criminal defense attorney.

    Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Minor

    In Connecticut, aggravated sexual assault of a minor occurs when a person commits sexual assault and the alleged victim is under the age of 13. There are a few different ways that this could occur:

    • The alleged victim has been kidnapped or illegally restrained by the actor
    • The actor stalked the alleged victim
    • The actor used violence to commit the offense
    • The actor caused serious physical injury or disfigurement
    • The actor was not known to the alleged victim
    • The person has been previously convicted of a violent sexual assault

    As a local defense attorney could explain, aggravated sexual assault of a minor in Connecticut is a Class A felony. Any person found guilty of it is sentenced to prison with a mandatory minimum jail sentence of 25 years. A mandatory minimum jail sentence means that the judge cannot sentence a defendant to anything less than 25 years, despite any mitigating circumstances.

    Sexual Assault in a Spousal or Cohabitating Relationships

    In Connecticut, sexual assault in a spousal or cohabitating relationship occurs any time a spouse or cohabitant compels the other spouse or cohabitant to engage in sexual intercourse by the use or threat of force and the complainant has serious physical injuries. Even if a spouse or cohabitator makes a threat, the other person has to reasonably believe that they would be injured to meet the statute. In Connecticut, sex assault in a spouse or cohabitating relationship is a Class B felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of two years.

    First-Degree Sexual Assault Charges in Connecticut

    First-degree sexual assault is charged as either a Class A or Class B felony. The defining difference between a Class A and Class B felony is age. Sexual assault in the first degree is a Class A felony if a person compels another person to engage in sexual intercourse by the use of force or the threat of force and the other person is under the age of 16. An attorney could answer any questions about the difference between Class A and Class B felonies, and if such charges for sexual assault may apply in a certain case.

    Class B felony sexual assault in the first degree occurs when a person compels another person to engage in sexual intercourse by the use or threat of force, aided by two people, or if the other person is mentally incapacitated to the extent that they are unable to consent.

    Statutory Offenses

    Statutory charges are treated seriously under state law. It is a Class A felony, which is the highest felony that a person could be charged with, and it carries a huge mandatory minimum jail sentence of 25 years. Additionally, for any subsequent offense of aggravated sex assault on a minor, it is a mandatory minimum jail sentence of 50 years that may not be suspended or reduced by the court.

    Consult with a Connecticut First-Degree Sexual Assault Attorney Today

    For skilled legal representation in your sex crimes case, contact a Connecticut first-degree sexual assault lawyer as soon as possible. The best attorneys know how to analyze the prosecution’s evidence and craft a defense tailored to the facts of your case. They could be your advocate at every step of the process. Call today to schedule a case review.