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    Norwalk Prostitution Arrest Lawyer

    • Getting caught in a prostitution sting in Connecticut can be damaging to your career and online reputation.
    • Patronizing prostitution arrests can lead to criminal charges and exposure to jail time.

    • Engaging in prostitution can also lead to an arrest and criminal prosecution in Connecticut.
    • If you’re facing charges for soliciting or engaging in prostitution in Norwalk, contact an experienced criminal lawyer who can defend you and protect your future.
    • Speak to a Norwalk prostitution arrest lawyer today

    What is Patronizing Prostitution in Norwalk?

    Under Connecticut General Statute (“C.G.S.”) 53a-83, a person can be arrested in Norwalk for patronizing a prostitute when they pay a fee to another person to engage in sexual conduct, or when they pay or agree to pay a fee with an understanding that the fee is in return for sexual conduct.  We often see people charged with Patronizing a Prostitute when they solicit or request another person to engage in sexual conduct for a fee.  Patronizing a prostitute is a class A misdemeanor.

    Is Prostitution Illegal in Norwalk?

    Yes. Under C.G.S. § 53a-82, a person is guilty of prostitution when they engage or offer to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee.  In Connecticut, engaging in prostitution is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by jail time, fines, and probation.

    What is Considered Promoting Prostitution in Norwalk?

    In Connecticut, under C.G.S. § 53a-85, a person is guilty of promoting prostitution when they aid another person to engage in prostitution, or when they solicit patrons for prostitution, provide premises for prostitution purposes, or engages in any other conduct designed to aid or facilitate prostitution.  There are three degrees of promoting prostitution charges in Connecticut, all of which are felony charges.

    Can I Go to Jail for Promoting Prostitution?

    If you’re found guilty of promoting prostitution in the first degree in Connecticut, there is a mandatory nine-month jail sentence that cannot be suspended.  Contact an experienced attorney before going to court for these charges to protect yourself from jail exposure. 

    Can I Go to Jail for Patronizing A Prostitute in Connecticut?

    If you are found guilty of patronizing a prostitute in Connecticut, you may be exposed to jail time depending on the facts of your case and your personal criminal conviction history.  Speak to a top Norwalk criminal defense attorney before going to court to learn what you need to do to preserve important evidence in your case and avoid exposure to jail.

    Can My Patronizing Prostitution Arrest be Published Online?

    Prostitution stings are often published on the internet, even long after a case is dismissed or disposed of in court.  Connecticut’s erasure statute, C.G.S. § 54-142a, affords Defendants the right to swear under oath that they have never been arrested once their charges have been dismissed. Read more about removing your arrest from the internet here and contact us to find out how we can help.

    Contact a Top Norwalk Patronizing Prostitution Defense Attorney

    If you have been arrested for patronizing a prostitute or promoting prostitution in Norwalk, call the attorneys at Mark Sherman Law to learn how we can help protect you from a permanent criminal record.  Call us today to discuss your case at (203) 358-4700 and click here to read hundreds of certified reviews on from prior clients.