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    Norwalk Disorderly Conduct Investigations

    It is important to take Norwalk disorderly conduct investigations seriously and seek help from a seasoned attorney as soon as you learn about one focused on you. These investigations can and do result in criminal charges, as well as additional consequences in family court if your offense is classified as domestic violence.

    How Does State Law Define Disorderly Conduct?

    Connecticut General Statutes §53a-182 is the state statute that provides the definition of “disorderly conduct”. While this statute lists various specific actions—like fighting in public, blocking traffic, or disturbing a lawful gathering—as explicit examples of disorderly conduct, it also allows law enforcement to charge someone with this offense for alarming or annoying another person with “offensive or disorderly” behavior, which is an unfortunately loose definition that law enforcement often takes full advantage of when pursuing criminal convictions.

    Can Disorderly Conduct be Domestic Violence?

    Yes. If the alleged victim of disorderly conduct is a romantic partner, family member, or even a member of the same household as the perpetrator, it may be considered a domestic violence offense. Domestic violence disorderly conduct is still a class C misdemeanor punishable by a $500 fine and a three-month jail sentence at most, but it may result in additional consequences like a protective order, restrictions on where the defendant can go and who they can talk to, and additional investigation from the Connecticut Department of Children and Families.

    What Evidence Is Used in Disorderly Conduct Investigations?

    When people think of criminal investigations, they may think of police officers combing the scene of an alleged offense for physical clues like fingerprints and items used during the crime’s commission. While physical evidence may indeed be involved in Norwalk disorderly conduct investigations, it’s not common. What is common is like phone records, text message logs, and surveillance footage that can corroborate the argument that disorderly conduct occurred.

    Witness testimony also often plays a huge role in these kinds of investigations, whether it is from the alleged victim, the police officer who responded to a disturbance, or an eyewitness who saw what happened as it was happening. One way an attorney can help is in gathering evidence for you that counters what the State claims to have and provides a basis for a strong defense. Moving quick is important though because witnesses can forget, and messages can be deleted over time.

    Can What I Say be Used as Evidence?

    Yes. What you hear on TV is true, for the most part anything you say to law enforcement can be used against you later on. During any kind of criminal investigation, including those centered around disorderly conduct, it is crucial for the subject of said investigation to let their lawyer do the talking for them whenever possible. A single remark, answer to a question, or even social media post could have a significant impact on an ensuing case, and that impact is rarely a good one for the prospective defendant.

    Learn More About Norwalk Disorderly Conduct Investigations Today

    If you do end up facing charges following a Norwalk disorderly conduct investigation, a qualified lawyer in your community could help you build a comprehensive defense and pursue a positive resolution to your case. Read our 5-star client reviews on here, and call Mark Sherman Law today to get started.