Greenwich Evading Responsibility Summons and Complaints Tickets
An arrest in Greenwich does not always result in a booking process. There is a chance that the police department will issue Greenwich evading responsibility summons and complaints tickets rather than bringing the person down to the station for booking.
Once a person is arrested for evading responsibility, whether it is a misdemeanor or a felony, they should always contact a distinguished hit and run lawyer immediately. Once they retain an attorney to represent them in the matter, the attorney will work with them on gathering information, getting the police reports and gathering any other documentation they need from the client prior to walking into court for the first time.
What is a Misdemeanor Summons?
Greenwich evading responsibility summons and complaints tickets are similar to a speeding ticket. Instead of having an “Infraction Ticket” on top of it, it will actually say “Misdemeanor Summons or Complaint.” That is technically an arrest/criminal charge against the person, so it is a criminal arrest although it looks more like a speeding ticket.
In Greenwich, it is not likely that a person would ever receive a Felony Summons and Complaint. In all felony cases, a person will be brought to the Greenwich Police Department where they would be formally booked and processed. Once that was complete, they would either be released on a bond or they would be given a written Summons to Appear, directing them to come to the court on Thursday.
Common Causes of Evading Responsibility Summons and Complaint Tickets
In a lot of cases, if the accident only causes property damage and if the car is already back home where it is registered, then there is a good chance that the Greenwich Police Department will just issue Greenwich evading responsibility summons and complaints tickets.
That Summons will direct the person to appear in court on a certain day. They will not be formally booked, no mug shot, they will not get fingerprinted, and they will not have to pay a bond. However, if it is a felony charge that they are facing, the individual will most likely be brought to the Greenwich Police Station and formally booked (photographed and fingerprinted) and it is more likely in that case that they would have to pay a bond and be released.
Help from a Criminal Lawyer in an Evading Responsibility Arrest Case
If a person is arrested for evading responsibility or a hit and run in Greenwich, they will want a criminal lawyer to be involved as soon as possible. If the first notice the person has is the police contacting them and asking them to come in and make a statement, they should retain an attorney prior to going in.
If the first notice the person has is getting a letter or a phone call saying that there is a warrant out for their arrest, they should retain a criminal lawyer before they turn themselves in. If a person is given a complaint ticket or is booked on the spot, then they should retain a criminal lawyer as soon as they are released and definitely prior to going into court.